US local numbers

Get a Missouri phone number in minutes

Missouri area codes phone numbers

Want local Missouri phone numbers for your business? With iTeleCenter, you can have one set up in minutes.

Okay, brilliant.

Getting a local Missouri phone number is a great for connecting with customers and expanding in the state known as “Mother of the west”. Whether you’re starting fresh or growing your business, it’s easier than ever to get a Missouri area code and boost your local presence.

We’ll cover why your business should get a MO area code, Missouri area codes, how to get a Missouri phone number, the benefits and more.

Why should businesses get a local Missouri phone number?

Make and receive calls easily

Use iTeleCenter’s desktop and mobile apps to make and receive calls with your Missouri number, showing it on your outgoing caller ID. Always know if a call is from work or personal contacts.

Reach customers anytime, anywhere and from any device

With local Missouri phone numbers from iTeleCenter, you can connect with prospects using any device—smartphone, computer, or tablet. You and our remote team can handle calls and texts from anywhere.

People trust local businesses more

A familiar Missouri area code on caller ID makes people more likely to answer. Using a Missouri number shows you’re committed to connecting with the local community. It makes people feel you’re one of them.

Stand out from your competitors

Get an edge with local Missouri phone numbers. Customize your business voicemail greetings, phone menus, and business hours to look more professional and go that extra mile when compared to your competitors’.

How to get a Missouri phone number

Get a new Minnesota phone number with iTeleCenter in just 5 minutes using the steps below:

  • Step 1: Choose a Missouri area code that fits your business. You can just pick one from a specific city (example St.Louis) or a general area code based on your needs.
  • Step 2: Select the plan you want and enter your contact details.
  • Step 3: Check your email for your account info. Then, download iTeleCenter mobile app from the App Store or Google Play and set up your number.
  • Step 4: That’s it, you’re sorted. Start making and receiving calls and texts with your new Missouri business phone number.

List of Missouri area codes and the areas they serve,

iTeleCenter has a ton of Missouri phone numbers through our cloud service. Here’s a list of Missouri area codes and the areas they serve:

Area codeAreas served
314Covers St. Louis and nearby suburbs.
417The cities of Branson, Springfield, and Joplin fall under this area code, along with other cities in the southwestern quarter of Missouri.
557Covers St. Louis city and suburbs of Kirkwood, Ferguson, Maryland Heights among others.
573Basically integrates with eastern and southeastern Missouri, including Columbia, Perryville and Jefferson City.
636Around area code 314 and covers the Greater St. Louis area, including western St. Louis counties, and St. Charles.
660Warrensburg and Kirksville are within this area code, along with other areas of north and west Missouri.
816Covers the St. Joseph and metropolitan areas around.
975New area code that was announced and it will probably serve as an overlay of 816 and cover the same area.

Missouri is often called “Gateway to the West” because of the iconic Gateway Arch in St. Louis. It represents the westward expansion of the U.S. and shows off Missouri’s important place in American history.

Missouri is also known for its fun, oversized attractions. For example, you’ll find a giant 12-foot-long pecan, a rocking chair that’s literally 40+ feet tall, and even the world’s largest chess piece—like 53 or so times bigger than a regular one.

When it comes to jazz and blue music, St. Louis and Kansas City stand out.  There is a rich musical heritage.There’s no shortage of attractions in Missouri, from the Gateway Arch to entertainment shows, the scenic Ozark Riverways, and many more. These spots attract millions of visitors every year, helping to fuel a lively and diverse local economy.

The state’s economy is diverse and strong, with key industries including manufacturing, agriculture, aerospace, and tech. This mix makes Missouri a solid choice for business growth.

But Missouri isn’t just about different landmarks. It’s also a great place to start a business. Missouri also offers a much lower cost of living compared to many other states, which can mean more affordable operating costs for your business. And, with a low corporate tax rate of just 4%, it’s one of the most tax friendly states in the US, making it a smart choice for entrepreneurs.

Why get a local Missouri phone number with iTeleCenter?

Missouri local area code phone numbers in St. Louis, Kansas City and more

Get number activated in no time: Setting up your Missouri phone number with iTeleCenter is quick and easy.

You’ll be ready to make and receive calls and messages right away using your existing smartphone or computer—no extra hardware needed.

Virtual receptionist

iTeleCenter offers a live virtual receptionist to answer and direct your business calls. This specific feature can help your business look more professional and ensures your calls are routed to the right department.

Handle calls like a pro

Enjoy smooth business communication opeatations with iTeleCenter’s call handling features, including call forwarding, recording, auto distribution, phone extensions, and more.

Work from just about anywhere

Whether you’re on iOS, Android, or a web app, iTeleCenter keeps you connected from anywhere.

Get 30+ features

iTeleCenter comes with a range of features to suit your business needs, including: 800, local, and toll-free numbers, SMS texting with auto-reply, automatic call distribution, pre-recorded hotlines, call blocking and analytics, VoIP and Wi-Fi calling, spam monitoring, virtual fax and a lot more.

Here’s a list of all Missouri area codes








Frequently asked questions

State number 29 is Missouri. (Acc. to alphabetical list of U.S. states)

Missouri has multiple area codes covering different regions of the state, such as 314, 417, 573, 557, 636, 660, 816 and 975 (975 is not in service yet).

The 660 area code covers the north and west regions of Missouri.

The 816 area code covers the Kansas City area and its surrounding regions in western Missouri.

Hi, I’m Jesh

Jesh is a product marketing specialist and B2B copywriter with a flair for detail and a hint of humor. Outside of the 9 to 5, he likes to attend wine-tasting events and act like a connoisseur.

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